Prioritized Action List
The Kashagawigamog Lake Plan is the culmination of work that began in 2010 when property owners were surveyed on their observations and concerns about the lake. Specifically, they were asked
- What is the state of the lake now?
- What do we want Kashagawigamog to look like in 10-20-50 years?
- What do we value most about the lake and what do we feel is worth preserving? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY:
- How can we ensure future generations will be able to enjoy what the lake has to offer today?
Based on the results of that survey, a report on the health of the lake was commissioned in 2011 and published on the LKO web site in April, 2012 for the information of property owners.
The report indicated that action is needed by property owners and the surrounding community to help preserve the lake. Accordingly, three public consultations were held in the summer of 2012 to solicit from attendees solutions to the problems identified in the report. Approximately 200 people attended those sessions.
The attendees identified 102 actions to preserve the lake and surrounding environment. They all fall within the four areas which were seen as being in need of attention:
- Water
- Shoreline
- Surrounding environment and
- Membership in the LKO
Those 102 actions items, which have been prioritized, form the Kashagawigamog Lake Plan.
To implement those action items, four working committees made up of members from the LKO Board of Directors and volunteers from the Kashagawigamog community will be established. Those committees – water, shoreline, surrounding environment and membership – will have a three-year work plan starting in January, 2013 and ending in December, 2015. At the end of each year, the committees will report to the LKO Board of Directors on progress made and plans for the subsequent year(s). At the end of the three years, the committees will identify any work that needs to continue beyond that time.The LKO community will be kept fully informed through the LKO newsletters and web site. Here are the action items: