Lake Kashagawigamog

Photo by: Tanya Smith

The Lake Kashagawigamog Organization is a volunteer-based community organization. The objectives of the organization shall be to promote a healthy lake environment for cottagers and year-round residents and other objectives consistent with this goal. The LKO reflects the many common interests of all lake stakeholders including cottagers, residents and businesses within Lake Kashagawigamog’s substantial watershed area.

The association’s Board of Directors is comprised of permanent and seasonal residents. Lake Kashagawigamog is located in the heart of the Haliburton Highlands tourist region. Widely regarded as a true jewel within Haliburton County, it’s situated along the county road 1 & 21 corridor between the towns of Minden and Haliburton. Approach from the west off Highway 35 and from the east off Highway 118.

The largest lake in a five lake chain, it’s arguably the engine driving the largely destination-based economy in the area, having impact on the surrounding watershed communities.

Learn more about the LKO by browsing the website. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact one of our board members. If you don’t need anymore convincing, join the LKO today!

Click here to read the LKO ByLaws.